October - December 2022
Pakistan Flood Response 14-21 October
CREST sent a team to Mirphu Khas, Sindh as its province was affected heavily by the rainfall (about 508% increase) . The team had identified a local Pakistani partner NGO under the Diocese of Hyderabad , Church of Pakistan.
The response activities are to mainly include distribution of basic essential relief items such as food, hygiene items as well as vector control related household items to families affected in Mirphu Khas. Three villages were selected for the distribution which were 333 Chak Punjabi Village, 78 Mori Village and Umer Patel Village with a total of 50 families that received the aid items.
During the visit, CREST team had also conducted simple assessments within those villages and the areas within with the locals being interviewed. It was identified that many of the houses that did not get washed away during the flood had experienced damage of varying degrees. Most of the mud walls had cracks and while some were no longer structurally sound.
The assessment consisted of visual recording as well as interviews conducted with village people, representatives of village people were categorised into three groups; elderly men, young men, and women. Women had been isolated from the men during interviews for cultural reasons and for better accuracy. The assessment will help in future decisions of relief work in Pakistan.
Post Flood Cleanup Workshop 12 November
CREST conducted a Post Flood Cleaning Response workshop with the Anglican Diocese of West Malaysia volunteers. The workshop included classroom interactive as well as outdoor hands on practical. A total of 6 participants signed up. We hope that this will empower the volunteers to lead teams into after-flood responses in the future.
IDRN 1100 Workshop 26 November
CREST had organised an IDRN Training for Boys Brigade Malaysia officers and Pantai Baptist Church. IDRN (International Disaster Relief Network) module 1100 focuses on an awareness level disaster resilience for the individual and family in areas such as preparation and planning related topics to disasters.
Kelantan Flood 24-30 December
CREST staff spent Christmas on the road heading towards Kelantan to assist its local partner KDRN in assessments and any support required as Kelantan faced its annual monsoon flooding. Within CREST’s flood response, we had assisted with APM and KDRN in conducting a Rapid Assessment in Pasir Mas while flood water had not subsided and evacuation for those who are in need, as the water extends out to about 1.5km from the village with depths up to 12ft-15ft. Jointly we had disseminated the needs of the village to each’s own network.
CREST had also, with the support of KDRN and its team distributed 37 back to school kits, consisting of stationary as well as coupons for school uniforms in the village of Kuala Pertang. Kudos to KDRN and its local team , managing to get everything done from procurement locally, packing to distribution before school starts.

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CRISIS RELIEF SERVICES & TRAINING BERHAD (Co. No. 199801017686 | 473815-A)
(A Public Company Limited by Guarantee)
8, Jalan PJU 5/20C, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +6019-328-7299 Email: crest@crestmalaysia.org
Website: www.crestmalaysia.org Facebook Page: crestmalaysiaorg