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Crisis Relief Services & Traning Berhad (Company) has two kinds of membership.

Full Membership shall be open to all persons above the age of 18 years who have undergone any Disaster Relief Training and responded to any disaster relief trip organised by the Company, assessment of which must be to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors, whose decision shall be final.


Associate Membership shall be open to all persons above the age of 18 years who have undergone any Disaster Relief Training organised by the Company desire to promote the objectives of the Company.



Every individual who qualifies to be qualified to be a member shall signify by applying in writing in the prescribed from to the Secretary of The Company his desire to become a member. Upon his admission by the Board and upon the payment of the requisite subscription fees the Secretary shall cause his name to be recorded in the register of the Company and thereupon such individual shall become a member.



The form of application to become a member shall be in such form as the Board may from time to time prescribe.



No individual shall be admitted as a member of The Company unless it is approved by the Board who shall have full discretion as to the admission of any individual to membership, and its decision shall be final and conclusive without having to assign any reason therefor. If his application for admission is not accepted by the Board, the entrance fee and subscription paid in advance by virtue of Article 9 shall be refunded to him.



All members are entitled to the following rights or privileges and subject to the following conditions:-

(a) The rights of members shall be personal and shall not be transferred and shall cease upon his death.

(b) Every member of the Company shall further the objects, interests, and influence of the Company and shall observe these Articles and all rules, regulations, and by-laws of the Company made pursuant to the power on that behalf hereinafter contained.

(c) To enjoy the various benefits available as regulated by the Company.

(d) To make proposals for the advancement of the Company in all matters within the objects of the Company.

(e) To appoint a person or persons competent in such appointment under the Act as auditor or auditors at each Annual General Meeting of members for the ensuing year.



(a) Full Member Annual Subscription fee Every individual must pay an annual subscription of RM50.00 respectively. The subscription is payable in advance in January or upon the first admission as a member together with the application.

(b) Associate Member Annual Subscription fee Every individual must pay an annual subscription of RM20.00 respectively. The subscription is payable in advance in January or upon the first admission as a member together with the application.



(a) If the subscription of a member shall remain unpaid for a period of one (1) year after it becomes due then the Member may, after notice of the default has been sent to him by the Secretary or the Treasurer, be debarred by resolution of The Board of Directors from all privileges of membership and his name may be removed by the Board of Directors from the Register of Members provided that The Board of Directors may reinstate the member and restore his name to the Register on payment of all arrears if The Board of Directors thinks fit to do so.

(b) If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of the Memorandum or Articles of the Company or shall be guilty of any conduct which in the opinion of The Board of Directors is unbecoming of a member or prejudicial to the interest of the Company, The Board of Directors shall have the power to expel the member from the Company and erase his name from the Register of Members provided that he shall have had at least one (1) week prior notice of the meeting of the Board of Directors in which the resolution for his expulsion is passed and of what is alleged against him and of the intended resolution. He shall at such meeting and before the passing of such resolution have had an opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation or defense he may think fit.

(c) The annual subscription fees shall not be refunded to a member whose membership has ceased under Clause (b).

(d) A member who wishes to resign from the Company shall give two (2) weeks notice in writing to the Secretary and shall pay up all dues to the Company as at the date of resignation.



(a) A general meeting of the Company shall be held annually in compliance with the relevant statutory requirements.

(b) All general meetings other than an Annual General Meeting shall be called an Extraordinary General Meeting.

(c) The Board of Directors may, whenever it thinks fit, and it shall, upon a requisition made in writing by at least thirty (30%) per centum of the members having a right to vote, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.

(d) Any requisition made by members shall express the object of the meeting proposed to be called and shall be left at the registered office of the Company.

(e) Upon receipt of such requisition the Board of Directors shall forthwith proceed to convene a general meeting but if they do not proceed to convene the same within thirty (30) days from the date of the requisition, the requisitionists, PROVIDED they represent not less than ten (10%) per centum of the members of the Company may themselves convene a meeting.

(f) Subject to the provisions of the Act relating to special resolutions and agreements for shorter notice, fourteen (14) days notice at the least (exclusive of the day on which the notice is served or deemed to be served, but inclusive of the day for which notice is given) shall be given specifying the place the day and hour of the meeting and in case of special business the general nature of that business shall be stated in the notice.



(a) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an Extraordinary General Meeting, and all that is transacted at an Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets and the ordinary reports of the Board of Directors and the Report of the Auditors, the election of members of the Board of Directors and the appointment and remuneration of the Auditors, shall be deemed special.

(b) The quorum of a General Meeting shall not be less than two (2) of which must be Full Members.

(c) No business can be transacted at any general meetings called by requisitionists unless a quorum of not less than eighty (80%) per centum of the requisitionists is present at the commencement of such meetings.

(e) A resolution in writing, signed by a majority of the Directors for the time being entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the Directors, shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Directors duly convened and held. Any such resolution may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more Directors.





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