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Background 2 December, 2014 Typhoon Hagupit local Philippines named Ruby has formed. 2 days after, it become into Super Typhoon category 5. Subsequently, Hagupit begin weakening before making landfall in Eastern Samar as Category 3 typhoon. When Hagupit turns into Super Typhoon, local government has issue Zero

Evacuation policy, around 1 million population has taken their shelter in evacuation center, school, churches and government building to prepare for the worst to be happen as the local community has already experienced from another Super Typhoon – Haiyan a year ago.

CREST Malaysia has provided financial aids to our local partners before the typhoon making landfall in Philippines. With the balance from Haiyan respond fund, CREST Malaysia has agreed to provide USD 3,000 each for our local partner in Cebu (Arapal Church Camp) and Tacloban (Omega Disaster Relief – RASFI) to stock up food and water supply or immediate needs after Hagupit landed. Hagupit first made landfall over Dolores, Eastern Samar on 6 December.

Team Member Cheong Chee Keen

Travel Events

Date Event

Summary Financial Report USD 3,000 from Salma (Cebu)

Assessment and Financial Report from Omega Relief

Received from CREST USD 3,000 = Peso 125,000

1st Assessment – Route (Tacloban – Basey – Marabut, Herrani, Maydolong, Borongan City, Sun Julian)

Balance from 1st Assessment Peso 125,000 – 109,000 = 16,000

2nd Assessment – Route (Tacloban – Taft – Dolores, San Policarpo, Arteche)


1. Food Distribution- Barangay Bulao (N 11° 20.246’ E 125°06.075’) for 300 families. Barangay Captain is leading the distribution process by calling their families one by one.

2. Assessment– Arrived at Dolores city hall at 11:30am, 22 Dec 2014.

Statistics (Affected by Typhoon in Dolores)

Community Hall Collapsed after Typhoon Ruby

Barangay – 46

Household – 10,213

Family – 11,772

Partially Damage – 7,420 (Peso 148,400,000)

Totally Damage – 2,746 (Peso 285,700,000)

Infrastructure – Peso 94,434,000

Agriculture – Peso 256,951,242

Electricity – No

Pipe Water – No

Water Source – Hand pump well

Water Condition – Good for washing

Health – 1 Dengue case reported

Food – Market has reopen, limited food. Only 4 restaurant in operation with limited food.

Present of local and International NGOs from Malaysia (Mercy), and Japan.

3. Livelihood Project – Agriculture

Beneficial – Pastor Noly at Alogan, San Policarpio, Eastern Samar. House and Church GPS Coordinate – N 12° 12.489’ E 125° 28.665’

Pastor Noly is a farmer and pastor among the community in Alogan. Over 8 years of his minister, he brought 4 hectares of land and build his house and church in this land. He has a family with 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters.

Before the typhoon, Pastor Noly dream was to impact the community but teaching and empower the local with his skills. He wanted to build a greenhouse and promote organic farming by received loan Peso 10,000 from the local government to extend his farming business. He has purchased seeds and fertilizer stored at his farm.

His elder son has graduated from local university and her another two more daughters are still perusing university degree.

During the typhoon, it destroyed everything he has, besides the strong wind collapse the church building build on top of the land, the flood water has damage the plants and land. For this reason, his two daughters have to stop schooling and only depend on his elder son only income where he is working in Borongan City. Moreover, he still need to return the 10,000 peso loan from the government.

Neil and I have agreed to release all seeds that we have brought to Mr. Noly with below terms.

  1. work closely with Omega Relief

  2. repay his loan Peso 10,000 after his first harvest (in 3 months)

  3. subsequence harvests, he need to return to Omega & Crest at Peso 15,000 and we will together to help others in the community.

Besides the seeds, Crest also release Peso 5,000 for him to employ a helper in his cleaning activities.

4. Livelihood Project – Pedicab

We have successfully rolled out 10 pedicabs in Tacloban city. However, this project may come to stop due to oversupply of pedicabs in the city. Two months ago, Tzu Chi Foundation has release 250 pedicabs for free to the survival and the statement and number has yet to verify.

Due to the Typhoon Ruby, government has issue zero evacuation for everyone whom staying in Tacloban City. At the result, our pedicab beneficiaries are not able to gain incoming approximately 3 weeks (pre and post typhoon). Suggest to Crest to waive 3 weeks (1 week is Peso 50) payments for our beneficiaries.

5. Livelihood Project – Fishing Boat

Fishing boat making process has being delayed due to local authority in Tacloban does not permit boat making process in Barangay Anibong. With help and connection in Basey, Omega has found a place to start the making process. At this moment, materials have arrived at Barangay Loog (N 11° 18.661’ E 125° 09.553). The targeted date to release first boat will be in January 2015.

6. Others

Colorful Christmas preparation for 1,000 kids

AOG Church partially damaged by Typhoon Ruby in Taft, Eastern Samar

Meet up with IDRN Partner – Jeffery Morante from Sta Rita, Western Samar

School facilities damaged by typhoon

Goals achieved

1. Assessment done in Dolores.

2. Follow up development project in Tacloban, pedicabs and fishing boats.

3. Started a new livelihood project in Eastern Samar, agriculture.


1. Provide 3 weeks repayment waiver for the pedicab owners. Peso 50 (per week) x 3 x 10 (number of pedicabs) = Peso 1,500

2. Omega has requested financial help for year 2015, to continue the development project in Tacloban.

Omega has intension to extend the livelihood project in Tacloban & as well as in Samar. Samar has marked poorest state in term of income per household for whole Philippines. Besides our projects, Omega has started a women fellowship in Barangay Anibong, Tacloban and providing micro enterprise for the women to help income for household. The scheme is soft loan - Peso 3,000 per family and repayment in 6 months without interest. This project will supervised by Ms. Dallin from Mindanao.

Collyn has provided below items for CREST directors consideration in year 2015.

Submitted by CK Cheong

14 January 2015.

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